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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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SURBISA is the municipal company that encourages the refurbishment of buildings, homes and premises in Bilbao to be carried out by their owners. Its areas of intervention are those entrusted to it by Bilbao City Council: Casco Viejo, Bº De la Cruz, Bilbao La Vieja, Bº Ferroviarios, Irala, Olabeaga and Zazpilanda. Surbisa's twofold objective is to ensure that the built heritage is safe, accessible, efficient and offers quality housing, as well as facilitating coexistence in its areas of influence. Surbisa's work seeks quality of life and to generate activity and create economic wealth that returns to the city.

Its corporate bodies are the General Meeting made up of the Municipal Corporation in Plenary Session and the Board of Directors, whose ex officio Chairman is the Mayor of Bilbao, and whose term of office is four years and, in any case, coincides with the municipal political mandate that gave rise to its appointment.

It is made up of a multidisciplinary professional team that, from its proximity and proximity to the neighbourhood interest, works to achieve the objective of promoting urban rehabilitation as a means of improving the quality of life of the people living in the buildings in its areas.

The Programme is being prepared