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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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'ISEA Eco-CoHousing'. Ana Arranz

This paper presents the methodology used and the results obtained in the field of the design of intergenerational spaces in IDarte. Through collaboration with the ISEA Cooperative, the third-year Interior Design students have participated in the generation of innovative ideas connected with the local reality for the Adinberri Foundation and several town councils in Gipuzkoa. The Intergenerational Gohousing Project of La Merced is related to the 'Hariak - Gipuzkoa's strategy in the face of solitude' promoted by the ADINBERRI Foundation.

It also forms part of the 'Intergenerational Gipuzkoa' initiative promoted by the Department of the Deputy General and the ADINBERRI Foundation in the context of the Plan Etorkizuna Eraikiz.

To do this, using a research methodology applied to the interior design project, the students have investigated the idiosyncrasies of the place, the building and the social aspects that bring generations together or distance them from each other. They have participated with various agents to develop proposals based on the use of spaces, the use of colour, furniture and lighting and, at the same time, generate ideas for the design of intergenerational spaces located in the buildings of the Colegio de la Merced in Arrasate and Ezkurrenea and Latxartegi in Legazpi.

Part of the conference Architectures of Care: A Design Approach to Care. Organised by IDarte.

Registration here.




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