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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Lucas Viar

With an architecture degree from the ETSASS, specialising in Sacred Art and Architecture, Museography, Cultural Heritage Restoration, Conservation and Management at the Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza' and the International School for Cultural Heritage in La Granja de San Ildefonso.

Director of Granda Art Workshops in the USA, an international studio focused on sacred and liturgical art projects and restoration. He has previously worked for Florence's Servizio Musei Civici as well as for the Spanish Cultural Heritage Institute's Nájera school.

He is involved in several initiatives and projects to enhance the religious heritage, such as the Alcalá Diocese's Liturgy School, the Florence Archdiocese Centro Fede e Cultura, Nártex, Qualibet Patrimonio, the Genadi and Pather projects or the Santa María la Real de Nájera Trust. He also collaborates with on-line magazines New Liturgical Movement and Liturgical Arts Journal.

During his time with Granda, he has been involved in several restoration projects, such as the Toledo Cathedral Custodia, Doña Sancha's Chamber in Leon's San Isidoro Collegiate Church or the image of our Lady of the Angels, as well as interventions in more recent works, such as the renovation of the Crystal Cathedral in California.

The Programme is being prepared