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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Interactive exhibition: 'Transgenerational housing'

The Professional Association of Basque-Navarre Architects in Gipuzkoa, in collaboration with the Donostia-San Sebastian City Council through its City Plan Donostia Lagunkoia, is offering a reflection on cross-generational housing.:

It consists of an interactive exhibition aimed at raising awareness in society of the need of a new design, specially an architectural one, that answers the challenges of designing dwellings that respond to the new life prospects and coexistence models in the 21st century.

The exhibition proposes a “game” in which visitors are invited to reflect on housing and the different ways of living.

The show invites to participate by imagining and interacting with the experiment models. Besides being open to the public at large, tours will be coordinated with a wide range of groups to include every profile in society.

In this second phase, besides being able to continue visiting and interacting with the exhibition, part of the results obtained will be analyzed, and work sessions will be developed.

Belaunaldiz belaunaldiko etxebizitza / La vivienda transgeneracional from EHAEO / COAVN Gipuzkoa on Vimeo.


27-11-2019 / 29-02-2020


The Programme is being prepared