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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Seminar. Perspectives on productive housing – Conclusions

CONCLUSIONS | Friday, November 19 | ONLINE

Last day of the seminar 'Perspective on productive Housing', to compile the conclusions obtained in the sessions of the seminar and establish clear views towards productive housing. 


10.15 - 10.30 Opening online session - Zoom.

10.30 - 12.00 Conclusions of the seminar sessions: looks at productive housing. Participants:

  • Ibon Salaberria, Iñigo García an the 3 rapporteurs (Ander Gortazar, Eze Collantes and Ula Ururetagoiena) (ARCHITECTURE EHU-UPV).
  • Edurne Gonzalez (FINE ARTS EHU-UPV)
  • Elvira López -Luiskar Delgado (GRupo 3R AVS)

12.30 - 13.00 Closing session. New Bauhaus - Making the useful Beautiful (PHILOSOPHY)

  • Lluís Comerón, President of CSCAE, Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de España (Spanish Higher Council of Architects' Associations)

13.00 - 13.15 Institutional closing

  • Juanjo Aguirrezabala - Dean of the School of Architecture EHU-UPV 
  • Arantza Lauzirika - Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts EHU-UPV
  •  Enrique Bueso - Manager Spanish Association of Public Managers of Housing and Land


Sponsors: Spanish Association of Public Managers of Housing and Land (AVS), Basque Section of the Spanish Association of Public Managers of Housing and Land (AVS Euskadi), University of the Basque Country. 

Collaborators: Basque Government. Viceconsejeria de Vivienda del Departamento de Planificación Territorial, Vivienda y Transportes, Ayuntamiento de Sestao, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco- Navarro.




10.15 - 13.15



The Programme is being prepared