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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Seminar. Perspectives on productive housing – The domestic

THE DOMESTIC | Thursday, November 18 | Sestao 

Third day of the seminar 'Perspectives on productive housing', which focuses on the domestic, how it is articulated and its implications in people's lives.

10.00 - 12.00 Working class housing project. 
Speaker: Javier Puertas - President of AVPIOP (Basque Association of Industrial Heritage and Public Works).

12.00 - 14.00 Work in progress. Presentation of the work process of the workshop Tipi: 'Inhabiting the future: imagining (re)productive housing'.

13.00 – 14.00 'Inhabiting work'
Speaker: Igor Rezola

14.00 - 15.00 Lunch

16.15 - 17.00  'Mutur beltz sorgin baserria. Rethinking the farm from the creative experience'.
Speaker: Laurita Siles

17.00 - 17.45 'From their labours to the workers' struggle: sustainability of life at the centre'.
Speaker: Yolanda Jubeto

18.30 - 20.00  Popular Cinema. LAN Workers' Audiovisual Festival. - Tres Concejos Square. In case of rain, the activity will be moved to the Musika Eskola.

18.30 - 20.30 From Work at home. Domestic spaces and spatial hierarchies. - Musika Eskola of Sestao
Guests: Bonell Doriga, Bet Capdeferro, Plataforma Husos
Relator: Ula Iruretagoiena

Access to the complete programs for the following days: November 19.


Sponsors: Spanish Association of Public Managers of Housing and Land (AVS), Basque Section of the Spanish Association of Public Managers of Housing and Land (AVS Euskadi), University of the Basque Country. 


Collaborators: Basque Government. Viceconsejeria de Vivienda del Departamento de Planificación Territorial, Vivienda y Transportes, Ayuntamiento de Sestao, Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos Vasco- Navarro.




10.00 - 20.30



The Programme is being prepared