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Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura

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Defence of ISEA Eco-CoHousing student works

IDarte's 3rd year Interior Design students present their design proposals within the framework of the ISEA-Eco-CoHousing project.

The project is part of the "Hariak - Gipuzkoa's strategy in the face of solitude", promoted by ADINBERRI Fundazioa and the "Intergenerational Gipuzkoa" project, promoted by the Department of the Deputy General and ADINBERRI Fundazioa in the context of the Plan Etorkizuna Eraikiz.

This is a pioneering project implemented in the context of an adapted intergenerational Eco Co-Housing practice. It meets the demand for housing for the elderly and young people and responds to the context of extreme ageing in Gipuzkoa. The project is a generation of intergenerational services for residents, enabling environments and spaces that are favourable for the life and development of the elderly in a context of inclusion and empowerment.

Its main objective is to establish links between different generations in order to tackle the problems that exist in contemporary society. This will require activities that work to break down prejudices and stereotypes associated with age and to respond to situations of unwanted loneliness.

Part of the conference Architectures of Care: A Design Approach to Care. Organised by IDarte.

Registration here.






The Programme is being prepared